Monday, November 03, 2008

Job hunting is ON!

My job hunting journey is started (again~)!

I’m planning to get a permanent job NEXT year, yes right, year 2009. Anyway, year 2008 is ending soon… so it doesn’t make a big different if I started to search job now, because those recruitment agents or hiring company normally take ages to process an application. Hopefully, I can start a new job in January 2009.

Today I went for an interview, doing translation & writing test… when we are used to computer (anyone using typewriter!?), it is a torture to write. I feel my handwriting is bad but the worst part is – I forgot how to write most of the words!!! Yes, I knew the word and I can imagine the input letter on the keyboard, but I forgot how to write it using a pen!!!

Another problem is – I mix up a lot of Chinese words between simplified and traditional Chinese!!!

See, this is the problem when we are fully dependent and totally rely on the computer! I can’t imagine what going to happen if we do not have computer and internet access in our life!

Anyway, I hope my handwriting doesn’t count! My working performance is certainly better than my handwriting!


  1. Thought you decided to work from home and take care of your girl?

  2. No no, i can't affort to be a stay home mom...Actually this is my initial plan -- quit for few months then start a new job after my mom completes her chemo & radiotheraphy.

    Freelance jobs not able to cover my family expenses... :(

  3. 那天有人問我「牽」字怎麼寫,我答ktm2,大易解碼.....har

  4. 哈哈,我在「考試」的時候,就有很多字的「代碼」出現在腦海中,卻不會寫!

