Tuesday, January 05, 2010






正因為這樣,在妊娠初期(0至3個月),我的體重反而下降了7公斤,與朋友在懷孕3個多月時見 面,她們反而以為我在減肥中,整個人都瘦了,孰不知我其實是食慾不振、食不下嚥。至今還是胃口平平,吃不下油膩食物、荷包蛋,喜歡香辣和煎炸食物。



Friday, January 01, 2010


While everybody busy to draft their New Year resolutions and review their year 2009, I did nothing but spent all my time with my family.

I wanted to force myself to be more proactive and planning for my future and my career, but I failed. My main focus right now seems to be my daughter & my family, whereas my career is the key to ensure I am able to support my child(ren) in the future. I’m confused.

If I’m not able to perform and excel with my job, I cannot guarantee my career path, thus, I am not able to provide the best for my child(ren). Until this moment, I don’t know what I really want to do with my (working) life. Maybe I am not a working person, I should have been a housewife. Somehow the reality is not allowing me to be one.

My New Year resolution is very simple yet difficult to achieve - everybody in the family is healthy (& wealthy).

Happy New Year!