Sunday, May 05, 2013

505. Vote for change!

I hope every vote casted is genuine and the justice is always with the people.

We are looking forward for a brighter futute.


The last general election, me and my mom went to vote together. This round, , is only me alone.

I realised that my memory with mom is everywhere,  is IN my life. Always IN my mind.

In the last election, we voted for the "blues eyes boy", so that the government knew that the people is not fully support them anymore. To our surprise,  he won!

This round, I did the same. And hopefully,  he will win again.

当年妈妈说, 巴刹的人都说要投蓝眼,给政府知道有反对的声音,他们才会有顾忌,才会做得更好。结果,蓝眼爆冷跑出。希望这次,顺顺利利达成目标。